4 Folder structure

A Bookup project folder structure looks like this:

  • archive: stores old book versions.
  • content: the actual content:
    • drafts: you can leave here texts still being composed.
    • sections: here goes the material to be compiled in book format.
    • notes: keep texts here to be compiled as a notebook companion.
    • slides: keep the slides sources here.
  • site: an optional website used as base; if that exists, the book will be place inside the build/book folder.
  • slides: if this folder is available, it will be considered as the compiled slides folder and will be included in the build/slides folder.
  • build: the compiled book (HTML, PDF and other formats):
    • notes: the compiled notebook.
    • book: the compiled book, if there’s a site folder available, otherwise the book content will be placed in the toplevel build folder.
  • biblio: bibliography (BibTeX).
  • images: image folder.
  • vendor/bookup: where the Bookup codebase actually resides:
    • content: Bookup documentation.
    • vendor/{Fuse.js,}: dependencies.